Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A (Brief) History of Christendom

Hey Everyone-

Sorry for the long pause, I've had a busy month so far.  In one day, I managed to get a court summons for a Class 1 Misdemeanor in the State Commonwealth of Virginia and get a hematoma the size of my knee.  Apparantly, in the Commonwealth, speeding at 20+ mph over the speed limit is "reckless driving," which carries the same penalties as a DUI.  I like my (Maryland) side of the Potomac better, needless to say.  :)

While working today on my EE about the Christologies of the Eastern and Oriental Orthodox, I had to find a good timeline of Christian history.  As I could find none that met my needs (i.e. included the Copts and the Assyrians), I had to make one myself.  It's pretty bad, but if anyone feels like using it, please help yourself!

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