Saturday, October 30, 2010

On the Differences between Christ and Muhammad

One time, there was brought to Muhammad a woman who had comitted adultery. They asked him, “What shall we do with her?” Muhammad said, “Go away. Bring her back after the baby is born.”
So they brought her back after the baby was born, and Muhammad said, “Let her go and nurse the child. Bring her back when the child is two years old.”
So they brought her back and Muhammad said, “Take the baby from her and kill her.” And that is what they did.

Now let us compare Muhammad to Jesus. There was a time when people brought a woman to Jesus who had been caught in adultery. “Shall we stone her?” the people said. Jesus replied, “Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.” Everybody went away. There was nobody left to stone her because they all knew they had sinned. Then Jesus said, “Neither do I condemn you. Go and sin no more.”

I ask you – who would you rather follow, Muhammad or Jesus?

(Taken from "Salt of the Earth":

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A (Brief) History of Christendom

Hey Everyone-

Sorry for the long pause, I've had a busy month so far.  In one day, I managed to get a court summons for a Class 1 Misdemeanor in the State Commonwealth of Virginia and get a hematoma the size of my knee.  Apparantly, in the Commonwealth, speeding at 20+ mph over the speed limit is "reckless driving," which carries the same penalties as a DUI.  I like my (Maryland) side of the Potomac better, needless to say.  :)

While working today on my EE about the Christologies of the Eastern and Oriental Orthodox, I had to find a good timeline of Christian history.  As I could find none that met my needs (i.e. included the Copts and the Assyrians), I had to make one myself.  It's pretty bad, but if anyone feels like using it, please help yourself!